Saturday, October 29, 2011

Monday Bunks!

Hope you've had a lovely weekend!

I'm back to work tomorrow  and have a few days of specialist appointmens for me & Coops.. so I'm getting in early with my Monday post

Bunks.. bunks.. & more bunks.. I get so many people asking about bunks..

And these certainly don't dissapoint..I'm a very big fan of bunks.. & duel beds...You can never have enough beds I say.

Love the gorgeous bed lights!

Pottery Barn Boys

Costal Living NC

Have a wonderful Monday,

Marns. xxx


  1. Fabulous bunk beds! Love the one in black! Have a beautiful start of the week, Kellie xx

  2. i like the how the light on top of the bed is in a cage. That makes you feel like your at the cabin.

